What do you get when you combine one full sticker chart with a cool new digital clock and a quirky Toy Story Toy named Twitch? A little boy who has successfully not woken up the entire family before 7 a.m. for three weeks!
....When Colin was younger I would hear of parents putting a clock in their child's room so the child would know that he couldn't leave his room before a certain time (generally 7 a.m.) I finally decided he was old enough to be taught how to read a clock, and I invested in a cordless one with a light-up screen so he could learn to stay in his room until it was time to roust the family. We even set the clock to military time so that there was no confusion what 7:00 meant, and we even taped 7:00 on the bottom of the clock for reference.
For almost 4 weeks Colin has been working on not waking the entire family (including Luke) before 7 a.m. One morning he called for me through the monitor at 6:49 a.m. Nope, no sticker that day; it was 11 minutes early and the thought was that he didn't look at his clock before calling for me - whether it was 11 minutes or 51 minutes early.
Colin has been working hard each morning so that he can earn a character from Toy Story 3 named Twitch, the "big bad bug" from Sunnyside Daycare. Whey he took a liking to this odd character from the show I'm not sure, but he's a very buff action figure. And when you squeeze his legs together, he beats his wings.
Colin has been telling all of his friends that he has been working on getting, "the big bad bug." And guess who he played with non-stop all day long? Yep, Twitch even somehow made it to the dinner table this evening.
Colin has been telling all of his friends that he has been working on getting, "the big bad bug." And guess who he played with non-stop all day long? Yep, Twitch even somehow made it to the dinner table this evening.
Sweet success! Now if I can only get younger brother to understand that 5:30 a.m. is unacceptable, that will be great. In 4 years (or less!) he will be getting his OWN clock!
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