Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cama Beach 2010

We joined 10 other families for a few nights this past week for our first family cabin camping experience. Cama Beach state park, on Camano Island, is a short 1 1/2 drive from home and we got to enjoy the great outdoors while still having electricity, running water, a microwave, and heat (yes, nights on the island get pretty cool and heat in July at 2 a.m. is a MUST!)

Most of the families stayed for 4 nights, but with Luke just crawling around and kind of hard to contain on a rocky, shell-filled beach, 2 nights was our limit. Good prediction, since we had to book way back when I was still pregnant. This place is pretty popular!
Isn't this a great view? We especially enjoyed watching the occasional eagle overhead.
Colin had lots of fun playing with his other friends and it was great having other families to visit with. Matt fished some each night and they caught all kinds of different "stuff," including crabs, sharks (Matt catches sharks whether we are in South Texas, Washington, or Alaska....his pole always seems to attract sharks and NOT the fish we are actually fishing for), and various other fish.

This is an "I'm not a sleepy camper" Luke who would rather play than go to bed. Colin was zonked out in the next room from a day of non-stop play in the sun.

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