Friday, July 9, 2010

October 2009

Heading into October, Luke was almost 3 weeks old. By this time I had already had a few nights alone with both boys while Matt attended a conference, and I was now settling into that zombie state that occurs with several night wakings, night after night.

As I look back. October is a blur. At his one month visit I told the doctor he seemed overly fussy related to feedings, but he was gaining weight and she just asked if my diet was impacting him or if I was drinking enough water (my fault, right?!) It only I had known then.

We managed to make a few small outings, including the annual pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch. Luke howled much of the time because it was windy. Fortunately it wasn't rainy and Colin quickly found a pumpkin and we did the necessary photo op and checked that off of our list. Next year will be a little more fun when we don't have to move quite so quickly.
For Halloween, Colin dressed up as Superman. He wore his costume to preschool and Luke and I joined him as he trick-or-treated in the halls at school. Luke wore Colin's black cat hat. Then we headed to the annual ECG Halloween party and Luke wore his caterpillar costume. According to Colin, Luke was, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."

Speaking of outfits, the boys wore matching polar bear jammies and I got some of the cutest pictures of them together -- we weren't sure what Colin would think of matching, but he was so excited to have something just like Luke!

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