Catching up a bit from my 9 month blogging break....
Here's our "Santa Baby" at a smiley 3 months old.

Hanging with Santa at Providence O'Trees

The annual tradition of balloons on Christmas morning. Makes it very festive!

I love December -- the holiday parties and festivities are such a fun time to gather with friends and family! We had our annual "crazy first week of December" where we attend the Providence O'Trees Gala, then I have my women's Christmas Friendship Dinner at Crossroads Bible Church, and then we cap off the weekend with Matt's company holiday party. Two of these events require formal attire, which I usually love, but wearing an evening gown while acting as the dinner source for your 3 month old can be a bit challenging!

Hanging with Santa at Providence O'Trees
After the week of parties, December was a month of getting appointments lined up for Luke. He had appointments with a manual physical therapist, a doctor who conducted a frenotomy (a strange, strange experience), and other regular doctor visits. If I wasn't at Pediatric Associates at least once a week I was very amazed.
Because of all of the appointments and "running around," we (I especially) felt a bit isolated from life as we knew it before. We were really looking forward to our Christmas party with our Bible study group, but Luke got an ear infection that day and he and Matt stayed home while Colin and I joined our friends.
Because of all of the appointments and "running around," we (I especially) felt a bit isolated from life as we knew it before. We were really looking forward to our Christmas party with our Bible study group, but Luke got an ear infection that day and he and Matt stayed home while Colin and I joined our friends.
Luke starting taking Zantac (I pressed really hard on the doctor, explaining the symptoms that I had known all along for the past 2 months) and we began to see the signs of having a much happier eater. Bliss in a bottle of medicine, I tell ya! It's just so miserable to have a baby who is hungry but can't eat because of the pain of acid reflux. If I had been blogging back in December I would now lamented that my 3 1/2 year old got a hold of this bottle of bliss and poured it down the sink. I forgot to put the cap on and he decided it needed to go down the bathroom drain. I called the pharmacy, and about $80 later I had another bottle of bliss. I was madder than a hen with a rooster in the henhouse (is that how the saying goes?) But, time has lessened this, so it can now just be one of those stories I pass along to his wife someday when her children do similar, maddening things.
We took 2 nights and headed to Suncadia right before Christmas, and it was so nice to just get away and have nothing but a few small Colin activities planned. He STILL talks about Suncadia and building a gingerbread house. We will definitely make that a tradition in future years! Hopefully we won't continue the tradition of me being sick on vacation. I was sick on this trip and was also sick on a recent trip to Cama Beach. Sickness on vacation begone!
On Christmas, we enjoyed a visit from Sarah's mom. No deep snow like last year (fortunately.) This Christmas was special because it was Luke's first. And Matt had a good Christmas because he got an elk 2 days before Christmas. He was a happy man! Finding a meat processor on Christmas Eve was a bit of a challenge, but he finally found one about an hour away.

The holiday was a bit somber, however, as Matt's Grandma from Cleveland passed away on Christmas. Matt's parents headed back east over New Years rather than heading our direction.
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