I just love Craigslist! I also found another posting where the items were FREE! I got an Ikea kids table and 2 chairs (will need a coat of paint), 2 baby gates, a porta potty, AND a Little Tikes slide. Did I mention this was all free? It was purge day for one family's house, and they just wanted it gone and fast! Lucky us, they were just a few miles away, so it cost maybe $1 in gas to make the trip.
OK, so I know I'm sounding really cheap, but I just love the thrill of a good deal on kids items. They are just going to get played with really hard, and paying full price is just money down the drain!
I love the smile on Colin's face!! How precious! Okay, so I'm intrigued at how you find such deals. I have heard of craigslist, but haven't checked it out. It's my next stop!!
I have heard that craiglist is a parents dream come true because of all the deals. Thanks for sending me a link to the blog!
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