Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bad Weather Week

The posting today was suppose to be of Matt holding a big 'ole Hawaiian fish from a night of deep sea fishing with his buddy Jeff. Matt had tied in a fishing trip from Kona while in Hawaii this week, and was super excited because the weeks leading up to this were filled with reports of "fabulous fishing!" Wouldn't you know, a tropical storm was brewing among the islands and only allowed them to fish for 2 (unsuccessful) hours. The storm missed them, but it's hard to know for sure -- better safe than sorry.

The weather has been a bummer here, as well. This was a rainy, cool week, which reminded me of our dreary winter season. Kind of a bummer to miss scheduled park outings! We did have a play group here on Wednesday, so Colin got to show his non-charming side by taking his toys away from all of the other little kids ("hey -- that toy is MINE!") Fortunately we all undertand that at the age of one sharing is not exactly in these kiddos' skill set!

And no, I didn't make it to kickboxing this week. The first morning I got up, but was running late and decided to walk in the neighborhood. At 5:45 am the racoons are still out rummaging through the yards, so I had a close encounter with one racoon bandit as he leaped onto a fence right as I was walking past. He looked at me with the eyes of a thief on a mission, as if to say, "You didn't see ANYTHING" (like the penguins in Madagasgar...) Hmmmm...maybe kickboxing sounds like a better plan!

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