Sunday, July 29, 2007

Colin Visits Boulder

Uncle Dave, Colin, Grandpa, and Grandma

Colin Likes the Waterfall
Feeding the minnows after dinner with Grandpa
Splashing his feet in the water - grandpa is pointing to his toy boy that he just tossed downstream.

We are currently visiting Colin's grandparents that live in Boulder. He has enjoyed visits to Grandma and Grandpa's office (there was a doggie in one of the offices -- 14 year old Henry) and he has EXPECIALLY enjoyed playing in his grandparent's newly landscaped backyard. Picking up rocks of different sizes is so much fun!

On Friday we drove down to Englewood (South Denver area) to see Susan and her two lil' ones -- she and Geoff lived upstairs from us when we lived in Indiana. We had a great visit and enjoyed catching up.

Uncle Dave turned 25 on Saturday -- Happy birthday Uncle Dave! We celebrated with a yummy dinner on the deck and Colin discovered that he really likes corn tortilla chips. Guess it was bound to happen sooner or later! He has also discovered that he likes cinnamon rolls from Great Harvest (always wanting what mom eats, I suppose!)

Now back to the great outdoors here at the house, which he just loves! There are waterfalls that end in a pool of water filled with minnows, and Colin thinks it's such pure joy to run up the foot path, across the stone bridge, and up to the area with a large assortment of rocks. Forget the need for books and toys -- rocks rock!

This afternoon Grandpa seated him on a flat rock at the water's edge at the top of the falls. He splashed his feet in the water with great vigor and then dropped his toy boat into the water saying, "bye, bye!" The boat tumbled down the two falls and ended up in the lower pool. I'm sure this is the first of many toy boat waterfall adventures in years to come. In future years I could see his Fisher Price Little People going down in a toy raft only to plummet to their "death" in the falls. It's inevitable -- he's a boy!

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