Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Grizzly Bear Camping Party @ The Zoo

I have had this funny image in my mind all week that I had to share, as it's too bad I didn't have my camera with me to share the actual images!

We took Colin to the zoo last weekend and ventured to the area with the grizzly bears. On this particular day, several area conservation groups, as well as a well-known bear researcher were at the exhibit to "put on a show" for guests.

They presented "how not to bear proof your campsite," and it was a hoot to watch. We watched as the zoo staff set-up tents, coolers, etc. in the bears' play area -- all filled with human food, hidden deep inside multi-layered containers or bags. They placed a raft in their water play area, filled with fish, and also tied food up a tree about 8 feet off the ground. The point was to show that carelessness in setting up camp can be a treat for bears and a disaster for you.

Grizzly bears Yukon and Denali were SO excited to run out and explore the whole set-up, and they showed us how they can make short order of food that even seems well hidden in "bear-proof" containers.

Apparently they do this once each year with the bears, and they have learned to get so excited when the see the British "bear man" coming and when they hear his voice describing the set-up...a bit Pavlovian, I suppose. It was fun to watch!

And as a bit of random trivia for the day, there are 5-20 bears thought to live in our state up in the Cascades, and we are one of only 4 states to have grizzly bears still in the wild.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat exhibit! We were at the zoo last weekend too. The poor kodiak bear at our zoo lost his friend over the winter. I hope they bring him a new companion soon. So sad!