Sunday, November 4, 2007

Just The Way The Cookie Crumbles

Growing up my brother would use the phrase, "That's just the way the cookie crumbles" -- sometimes you get a really big piece with lots of yummy, ooey gooey chips, and other times you get a handful of crumbs. This past week we got a hand full of crumbs.

We had plans to go out of town that just seemed to spiral out of our control just a few days before leaving for the ten day trip. "Rats," I thought. "This isn't really happening, is it?"

Oh yes, it was.

This kind of disappointment fits into the kind I recall from childhood. Like the time I went to sign up for a musical instrument in 5th grade band, and all that was left when I got there was the tuba. The tuba? What's a girlie girl, dress loving girl to do with a tuba? OK, so I played it and played it well, but I am convinced now it was purely to have fodder for the stupid team building game called "Two truths and a lie."
  1. I played the tuba
  2. I grew up in a small town
  3. I like dark chocolate
Stumper, eh? People always fell for the tuba as the "lie."

Anyhooo.....So my dear husband attempted to make the best of our flubbed up trip plans, the cat sang a great big "Amen" because his humans weren't leaving town, and we decided to have day trips here in our own city -- the zoo, aquarium, children's museum, parks, restaurants, etc. I was even given a surprise trip to the local spa.

Tonight was suppose to be an early Thanksgiving dinner with my family in Panhandle. I thought of you all tonight -- I am so bummed I wasn't able to be there. And Colin is so much fun right now that I am sad for every minute of him that you miss. We are truly thankful for you and can't wait to see you soon!

Disappointment. It's just the way the cookie crumbles.

1 comment:

lindley said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to go out of town, but I do love all of your stories and ancedotes on your blog! You're so good at this!!