Monday, November 12, 2007

Trash Talkin' Monday

I think my city's trash facilities team has determined the most undelightful way to wake me and my family every Monday morning: they send the trash truck on the early route to my house!

Each Monday at around 7:20 am (I say "around" because a few weeks ago he made it here at 6:59 am -- no joke!), the trash truck makes its rounds throughout the cul de sac. Each time it backs up to get an angle on the next house, those loud backing beeps go off, along with the thud of all of the trash being dumped. And that's just for the waste bins -- then comes the truck for the recycling. Fortunately the third truck for green debris comes well AFTER breakfast.

It's like clockwork -- the truck comes, and then about 30 seconds later a little someone is singing into the monitor.

"Wakey, wakey," says the trash truck.


So I titled this trash talkin' Monday for ANOTHER reason. Bank holidays! I went to the bank today (someone tease me for not remembering my bank holidays -- I only worked at 2 different banks over several years.) Yes, it was closed. Oh, and the local community centers with open gym time for toddlers? Closed. Libraries with story hour? Closed. Oh, and the really cool local children's museum? Closed. Actually, it's closed every Monday.

When I was (ahhem) younger - I'm sure I just loved these random holidays. I slept in, perhaps went to a doctors appointment (they are indeed open), and of course did a little shopping.

And now? What I wouldn't give for some place indoors to let our lil' guy run free. Sure, I could go to the mall along with every other mom in a 15 mile radius who is also out of indoor options. I could battle for a place for Colin on the top of the Tugboat in the mall, hoping that a 10 year old doesn't leap onto him. Those mall play areas are wild when you're little.

Come to think of it, maybe we can just stay home and wait for the third trash truck to come. He does wave at Colin through the window, after all.

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