Thursday, November 15, 2007


Often on chilly nights I settle into a tub full of bubbles to relax from the day and have some "me" time. Only a few weeks ago I decided to soak while reading through's latest catalog to get book ideas for our couples Bible study group. I came across several books that caught my attention - topics ranging from Jewish feasts, to angels, to heaven, to this one -- titled "Unchristian."

And tonight our couples Bible study spent the night conversing with the author of the book -- turns out, he's a good friend of one of the couples in our group. Pretty cool interaction, and interesting (and at times, sad) research on views of Christians.

We somehow got onto the topic of the Christian "Bubble" -- several of us went to universities that had this bubble - from Baylor, to Biola, to JBU -- and we talked about how that bubble can be a great thing for a time (i.e. 4 years of college), but that you have to learn how to engage with the rest of the world.

Did I learn that while I was in my Baylor bubble? After graduation I just moved on to Houston where I cozied myself up in a megachurch and worked at conservative places like banks and accounting firms. Hmmm.

I have much to reflect upon tonight regarding how to put my theology into practice.

I hear a tub full of bubbles calling my name.

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