Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tribute to a Favorite Teacher

I waited for his class for over three years. As an incoming Freshman at Baylor University, a close friend made this recommendation, "Get Dr. O'Brien for New Testament, even if you have to wait to get his class your senior year."

You see, most incoming freshman were taking Old and New Testament their first year. There was a joke going around that another Old and NT prof even gave Jesus a "B," so I made a mental note to wait; just wait.

My patience paid off. By my senior year I was just taking 12 hours each semester and I had the ability to "savor" my favorite classes even more. And by this time I was not as occupied with what cute guy might be sitting 2 rows away and wondering if he might be a candidate for an upcoming sorority dance (remember those days, Amy?) OK, still somewhat occupied, but not obsessed.

Anyhow, I digress.

In taking Dr. O'Brien's class it really opened up the doors to my mind in learning about the Bible from so many views -- spiritually, historically, theologically -- I would just sit in class right before lunch and take it all in. And I still remember all about Rahab because he called her "Red light Rahab." He just had a special way of teaching that painted such clear and incredible mental pictures in my mind, which for me is the best kind of learning.

A few years later when Matt and I were looking for churches in Houston, Dr. O'Brien became the interim pastor of the church we were attending (he travelled there on weekends.) I was so tickled, as I got to enjoy these mental pictures every Sunday he preached for many months on end.

And in 2004 when we joined a home fellowship Bible study, I was searching for a good commentary on the book of Romans, and who did I look to for advice? Dr. O'Brien, of course! At this time he was the chair of the Religion department. And yet, he took the time to email and old student to give a brief bit of encouragement and advice. I kept his email because it always makes me smile because it is so like him. He closed by saying, "And may God bless you 'til it tickles." Since that time I have felt God's blessing 'til it tickles, and that is indeed such an awesome way of wording it.

I reflect upon Dr. O'Brien today, as Baylor just announced that he is moving on from a leadership role at Baylor to take the leadership helm at another Baptist university. And that university is lucky, indeed, to have this remarkable shepherd leading them forward.

Thanks, Dr. O'Brien, for helping be a part of what makes Baylor so special in the hearts and minds of students and alumni like me. And may God continue to bless YOU 'til it tickles.

1 comment:

Kristy Warren said...

Funny how we seldom get the chance to tell our teachers of the past how much of an impact they made on us. I hope he gets the chance to read your blog!