Sunday, July 27, 2008

Colin Update

Our little guy is nearing 27 months old and I thought I'd update you on some of his favorite activities, etc., since it seems to constantly change. Here are a few of Colin's latest pleasures in life:

1) BUG CATCHING: We got Colin a bug catcher and container for Easter and were never sure when he would find much use for it. Last week Matt introduced bug catching to him one evening and he hasn't been the same since. In the evenings he goes to the back door and says, in question format, "Bug? Bug?" The most fun critter to catch is currently a grasshopper. They hop away but pause long enough to be re-caught. The ones in our yard are less than an inch long, but they are oh so much fun to go after. He picks them up and stuffs them in his container, and I won't guarantee they retain all of their legs, but he loves them, nonetheless.

2) SHARK ATTACK: One of his favorite animals is a shark. Not sure why, but he loves imitating the biting action of these fierce warriors of the sea. He saw them in person at Sea World and has talked about them daily since that trip last month. He even has a shark toy for his bathtub (2, actually) and a shark t-shirt. Chomp, chomp!

3) EATING LOTS: A friend recently asked us when he started his growth spurt. We thought of responding that we don't think he's ever stopped. We hear some toddlers survive on thin air, but we don't happen to have one of those toddlers. Ours ate dinner for over 1 1/2 hours tonight and ate 1 1/2 grilled chicken thighs, 3 breakfast sausages, one corn on the cob, Caesar salad, some carrots, half a piece of Naan bread, half a glass a glass of milk, and I can't remember what else. Where did he put it all?!!

4) BOB and DORA: He LOVES to listen to either his Boyz in the Sink CD or to Dora the Explorer. And he also likes his Veggie Tales Contemporary Christian Hits version of the Newsboys song, "Shine." He was singing along and waving his hands like a rock concert today after church. Cute; very cute!

5) COAT RACK SNAFU: Today at church he made quite a scene after snack time. He went and hung on the coat rack and the whole thing came tumbling town. He and others are fine, but can you believe he is dismantling his classroom? He loves to hang on anything, especially monkey bars. It's too bad that he chose to substitute his church coat rack for a monkey bar!

6.) FLOWERS: He enjoys picking flowers and smelling them, and is especially thoughtful at picking dandelions and other weeds to offer up to me. Very sweet and thoughtful!

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