Over the past almost 27 months, we have met quite a variety of healthcare providers in dealing with various oddities for our lil guy; fortunately, none of them for threatening health matters.
There was the time he saw a physical therapist at the age of 3 1/2 months because of a mild case of torticollis. And then there was the ENT doctor who removed a cyst from his tongue on the day of the power outage (they sent us home to house with no power which had no power or heat in the dead of winter for 3 days!) We've met with speech and occupational therapists, and even last week we met with a fantastic pediatric neurologist who spent an hour with us explaining with great detail his insights on facing a neurological developmental expressive speech delay. My tongue gets tangled even trying to say that last one.
And today we had another interesting experience, which Colin found to be so much fun: he met with an audiologist to have his hearing checked. This is a routine recommendation for kiddos with speech delays and who also had jaundice as an infant.
I was curious as to how they test kids this young, as it's not like they will raise their hand when they hear a sound. So...we sat in a sound booth and they projected sounds from either the right or left corner. When he looked towards a sound, he was rewarded with a very brief animation on a screen the direction of the sound. It is a bit of a game that rewards him for looking the direction of the noise.
This kind of conditioning with the animation was a huge hit for Colin and at one point he was so tickled that he turned around and gave me a huge hug (he was sitting in my lap) as if to say, "Thanks for the cool play date!" He was jabbering with excitement through much of the session, so the audiologist had to pause until he was being quiet enough to listen for the fainter sounds.
All is well with his hearing (as we suspected), but we didn't want to be the parents who didn't have his hearing checked and then in kindergrden learn he can't hear his teacher. Now we know!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The "Fleecing" of Summer
Tonight we put our son to sleep in his winter PJ's. I think I have given up on his short sleeved PJs! Fleece, people! I put my son to bed on the night of July 31 in fleece!
We were at a playdate at a beach park yesterday and it looked like a scene from late October. Colin and his friend were each wearing their jackets (and pants, of course) and the other little boy was wearing a light knit stocking cap.
Umh, can someone please tell the weatherman that it's August 1 tomorrow?
We were at a playdate at a beach park yesterday and it looked like a scene from late October. Colin and his friend were each wearing their jackets (and pants, of course) and the other little boy was wearing a light knit stocking cap.
Umh, can someone please tell the weatherman that it's August 1 tomorrow?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Colin Update
Our little guy is nearing 27 months old and I thought I'd update you on some of his favorite activities, etc., since it seems to constantly change. Here are a few of Colin's latest pleasures in life:
1) BUG CATCHING: We got Colin a bug catcher and container for Easter and were never sure when he would find much use for it. Last week Matt introduced bug catching to him one evening and he hasn't been the same since. In the evenings he goes to the back door and says, in question format, "Bug? Bug?" The most fun critter to catch is currently a grasshopper. They hop away but pause long enough to be re-caught. The ones in our yard are less than an inch long, but they are oh so much fun to go after. He picks them up and stuffs them in his container, and I won't guarantee they retain all of their legs, but he loves them, nonetheless.
2) SHARK ATTACK: One of his favorite animals is a shark. Not sure why, but he loves imitating the biting action of these fierce warriors of the sea. He saw them in person at Sea World and has talked about them daily since that trip last month. He even has a shark toy for his bathtub (2, actually) and a shark t-shirt. Chomp, chomp!
3) EATING LOTS: A friend recently asked us when he started his growth spurt. We thought of responding that we don't think he's ever stopped. We hear some toddlers survive on thin air, but we don't happen to have one of those toddlers. Ours ate dinner for over 1 1/2 hours tonight and ate 1 1/2 grilled chicken thighs, 3 breakfast sausages, one corn on the cob, Caesar salad, some carrots, half a piece of Naan bread, half a glass a glass of milk, and I can't remember what else. Where did he put it all?!!
4) BOB and DORA: He LOVES to listen to either his Boyz in the Sink CD or to Dora the Explorer. And he also likes his Veggie Tales Contemporary Christian Hits version of the Newsboys song, "Shine." He was singing along and waving his hands like a rock concert today after church. Cute; very cute!
5) COAT RACK SNAFU: Today at church he made quite a scene after snack time. He went and hung on the coat rack and the whole thing came tumbling town. He and others are fine, but can you believe he is dismantling his classroom? He loves to hang on anything, especially monkey bars. It's too bad that he chose to substitute his church coat rack for a monkey bar!
6.) FLOWERS: He enjoys picking flowers and smelling them, and is especially thoughtful at picking dandelions and other weeds to offer up to me. Very sweet and thoughtful!
1) BUG CATCHING: We got Colin a bug catcher and container for Easter and were never sure when he would find much use for it. Last week Matt introduced bug catching to him one evening and he hasn't been the same since. In the evenings he goes to the back door and says, in question format, "Bug? Bug?" The most fun critter to catch is currently a grasshopper. They hop away but pause long enough to be re-caught. The ones in our yard are less than an inch long, but they are oh so much fun to go after. He picks them up and stuffs them in his container, and I won't guarantee they retain all of their legs, but he loves them, nonetheless.
2) SHARK ATTACK: One of his favorite animals is a shark. Not sure why, but he loves imitating the biting action of these fierce warriors of the sea. He saw them in person at Sea World and has talked about them daily since that trip last month. He even has a shark toy for his bathtub (2, actually) and a shark t-shirt. Chomp, chomp!
3) EATING LOTS: A friend recently asked us when he started his growth spurt. We thought of responding that we don't think he's ever stopped. We hear some toddlers survive on thin air, but we don't happen to have one of those toddlers. Ours ate dinner for over 1 1/2 hours tonight and ate 1 1/2 grilled chicken thighs, 3 breakfast sausages, one corn on the cob, Caesar salad, some carrots, half a piece of Naan bread, half a glass a glass of milk, and I can't remember what else. Where did he put it all?!!
4) BOB and DORA: He LOVES to listen to either his Boyz in the Sink CD or to Dora the Explorer. And he also likes his Veggie Tales Contemporary Christian Hits version of the Newsboys song, "Shine." He was singing along and waving his hands like a rock concert today after church. Cute; very cute!
5) COAT RACK SNAFU: Today at church he made quite a scene after snack time. He went and hung on the coat rack and the whole thing came tumbling town. He and others are fine, but can you believe he is dismantling his classroom? He loves to hang on anything, especially monkey bars. It's too bad that he chose to substitute his church coat rack for a monkey bar!
6.) FLOWERS: He enjoys picking flowers and smelling them, and is especially thoughtful at picking dandelions and other weeds to offer up to me. Very sweet and thoughtful!
Berry Blast!
Today we went berry picking at the local U-Pick blueberry farm. We spent a "whopping" $1.44 and got a huge container of blueberries. It has been a mild summer and they are just turning blue -- it will be a great August for eating a huge number of healthy blueberries!
Our other berry bonanza is compliments of our wonderful neighbors. They are out of town for a week and we are cat and plant sitting. As a benefit of feeding sweet Sammy, we get to go and pick raspberries from their multitude of ripe berry bushes (lest they go to waste while they are away) and we are in berry heaven.
Colin likes to pick a raspberry and immediately eat it and say, "Mmmmmmmm!" And I agree!
Our other berry bonanza is compliments of our wonderful neighbors. They are out of town for a week and we are cat and plant sitting. As a benefit of feeding sweet Sammy, we get to go and pick raspberries from their multitude of ripe berry bushes (lest they go to waste while they are away) and we are in berry heaven.
Colin likes to pick a raspberry and immediately eat it and say, "Mmmmmmmm!" And I agree!
Grocery Shopping: One Slice of Heaven, Please!
When we moved here 5 years ago, my big complaint was that to get all I needed I had to shop at about 3 different grocery stores. No one store had all I needed for the week -- what a time waster! When we were in Indiana I shopped each week at the new Kroger and I knew the aisles so well that I could put my shopping list IN ORDER of the grocery aisles (way too organized back then -- I know. It was before kids and when we were on a grad school one income, so I knew exactly what we needed -- nothing more, and nothing less.) But here, I don't even know where many items are in stores I have shopped in for over 5 years because my shopping is so sporadic.
After 5 years of shopping around everywhere, I think I have found a little slice of heaven in the grocery shopping world. The Safeway in our downtown recently built a new larger concept store that is in the base of a multi-use facility (with apartments overhead), and this Safeway rocks! It has everything I need all in one trip. But here's the best part: I got in on a grand opening promotion and I get 10% off my entire grocery bill for 60 days. That's like a coupon good for over $80 for a 2 month period, people (as I figure I spend well over $400 a month on food these days...)!
For example, I bought some fillet mignon from their clearance beef area (a great bargain area -- just freeze if you can't use it in a day) and for 2 steaks I paid $6.54. Then I got a 10% discount on top of that. How cool is that?!!! And ohhhhhh was that fillet so super succulent tonight for dinner. Yummy!!
But the thing I love most about this new store, besides the selection and the discount, is that I can park in covered garage parking and get kiddo all "saddled up" to get to the store so I don't have to get wet during the rainy season, which starts in Oct and goes through, well, another 9 or 10 months, so it seems! This is HUGE for me, and I am so thrilled that we can avoid getting wet to go food shopping!
Since grocery shopping is an inevitable weekly outing for me, it's nice to have an upgraded slice of heaven compliments of Safeway!
After 5 years of shopping around everywhere, I think I have found a little slice of heaven in the grocery shopping world. The Safeway in our downtown recently built a new larger concept store that is in the base of a multi-use facility (with apartments overhead), and this Safeway rocks! It has everything I need all in one trip. But here's the best part: I got in on a grand opening promotion and I get 10% off my entire grocery bill for 60 days. That's like a coupon good for over $80 for a 2 month period, people (as I figure I spend well over $400 a month on food these days...)!
For example, I bought some fillet mignon from their clearance beef area (a great bargain area -- just freeze if you can't use it in a day) and for 2 steaks I paid $6.54. Then I got a 10% discount on top of that. How cool is that?!!! And ohhhhhh was that fillet so super succulent tonight for dinner. Yummy!!
But the thing I love most about this new store, besides the selection and the discount, is that I can park in covered garage parking and get kiddo all "saddled up" to get to the store so I don't have to get wet during the rainy season, which starts in Oct and goes through, well, another 9 or 10 months, so it seems! This is HUGE for me, and I am so thrilled that we can avoid getting wet to go food shopping!
Since grocery shopping is an inevitable weekly outing for me, it's nice to have an upgraded slice of heaven compliments of Safeway!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Texas Recap
Well we've officially been back from Texas a week today, and I am finally getting around to some detail to go with the pictures I posted.
Fortunately the weather in TX behaved and we managed to avoid any 100 degree days. I know I am a weakling, but I just don't think I could do a week straight of a heat wave!
Colin got to meet his cousins from Frisco, as they were still in town visiting from a long 4th of July holiday. I can see that over the years Colin and Tristin (2 years older) can go get into lots of "naughtiness" together there on the farm.
We also got to see my brother and his family, my grandparents, and my good childhood friend. Her daughter is going to be the panther mascot at the high school this coming year -- very exciting! She's matured into quite the young woman -- we even had discussion about where she will attend college in a year.
I also got to see a hs basketball teammate, as her wedding shower happened to be over the weekend I was there -- I hadn't seen this friend since we were all in Austin celebrating our 10 year state championship reunion, so it was great to catch-up. Her shower was like a bit of a reunion with many people, as I also saw cousins and teachers from my childhood. I was even called "Jean" by several of the women, which hadn't happened in a long time (that's my mom's name)....I just smiled an told them it was great to see them, as well. And I would imagine Mom spent many years being called "Vivian" -- I think that just comes with living someplace where people know you and your folks over the years.
It was good to see everyone in Texas, though Colin was sure ready to return home to see his cat and his Daddy. This was the first time away that I could tell he missed his Dad. And apparently the cat missed us, too, as he howled at Matt each night for attention. I'll have to give that "howling" thing a try sometime.
Fortunately the weather in TX behaved and we managed to avoid any 100 degree days. I know I am a weakling, but I just don't think I could do a week straight of a heat wave!
Colin got to meet his cousins from Frisco, as they were still in town visiting from a long 4th of July holiday. I can see that over the years Colin and Tristin (2 years older) can go get into lots of "naughtiness" together there on the farm.
We also got to see my brother and his family, my grandparents, and my good childhood friend. Her daughter is going to be the panther mascot at the high school this coming year -- very exciting! She's matured into quite the young woman -- we even had discussion about where she will attend college in a year.
I also got to see a hs basketball teammate, as her wedding shower happened to be over the weekend I was there -- I hadn't seen this friend since we were all in Austin celebrating our 10 year state championship reunion, so it was great to catch-up. Her shower was like a bit of a reunion with many people, as I also saw cousins and teachers from my childhood. I was even called "Jean" by several of the women, which hadn't happened in a long time (that's my mom's name)....I just smiled an told them it was great to see them, as well. And I would imagine Mom spent many years being called "Vivian" -- I think that just comes with living someplace where people know you and your folks over the years.
It was good to see everyone in Texas, though Colin was sure ready to return home to see his cat and his Daddy. This was the first time away that I could tell he missed his Dad. And apparently the cat missed us, too, as he howled at Matt each night for attention. I'll have to give that "howling" thing a try sometime.
Butter: Mmmmmm, Tasty!
So tonight I was on the phone with my college roomie, and we haven't talked by phone in maybe over a year. Wow -- where does the time go?
Anyhow, since I needed to call before it was too late central time and because Matt's still on a plane back from Hawaii, I gave Colin the ultimate babysitter while I was on the phone: Bob. Bob and Larry and the whole Veggie Tales crew to be more specific.
As the phone conversation drifted on, Colin came into the kitchen -- he had already eaten dinner, but that never stops curious hands from scavenging in the fridge. I went a few few times and rescued the cream cheese container from his hands and thought all was well.
At the end of my call I look down on the floor in front of the TV and wouldn't you know I failed to rescue a stick of butter. Yup, you got it! He managed to take about 5-6 bites out of the stick of butter and helped himself to his monthly allowance of cholesterol.
Mmmmmm, tasty. Didn't know he liked butter!
Anyhow, since I needed to call before it was too late central time and because Matt's still on a plane back from Hawaii, I gave Colin the ultimate babysitter while I was on the phone: Bob. Bob and Larry and the whole Veggie Tales crew to be more specific.
As the phone conversation drifted on, Colin came into the kitchen -- he had already eaten dinner, but that never stops curious hands from scavenging in the fridge. I went a few few times and rescued the cream cheese container from his hands and thought all was well.
At the end of my call I look down on the floor in front of the TV and wouldn't you know I failed to rescue a stick of butter. Yup, you got it! He managed to take about 5-6 bites out of the stick of butter and helped himself to his monthly allowance of cholesterol.
Mmmmmm, tasty. Didn't know he liked butter!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Aloha and Happy Birthday to my dear husband who spent his birthday today on a 5 hour plane ride to a client site and then in meetings all afternoon. Bummer!
I did at least call the hotel so the registration clerk could wish him a happy birthday.
We celebrated early over the weekend with a NW seafood crab boil and chocolate ice cream pie. Yummy!!
I did at least call the hotel so the registration clerk could wish him a happy birthday.
We celebrated early over the weekend with a NW seafood crab boil and chocolate ice cream pie. Yummy!!
A company in my town has this as a part of it's website.:
A healing request addressed to (a person; name withheld.) He then will give you an answer, re: either a past life answer to the cause of your problem and an affirmation, or just an affirmation.From his world in Spirit he will send his healing energy to you to begin the process of healing on an inner level. Please be patient. The $30 fee is for the processing of forms and for __'s time in connecting with her Master Guide and channeling the reply. It can take some time for you to begin to feel the energy working within you depending on what level of consciousness you are at.
Each healing request will be charged on your credit card of 30 dollars. Please use separate healing requests for each individual.
This text is followed by a way to submit an online form and payment for a healing request. I have good news for anyone out in cyberspace who is pondering this online form:
Jesus Christ is the great healer. He paid the ultimate price for you so that you don't have to spend a dime, let alone $30 to ask Him for healing. Reach out to Him in prayer; you need not submit separate prayers for each individual. Not only can he heal wounds, but also a broken heart.
A healing request addressed to (a person; name withheld.) He then will give you an answer, re: either a past life answer to the cause of your problem and an affirmation, or just an affirmation.From his world in Spirit he will send his healing energy to you to begin the process of healing on an inner level. Please be patient. The $30 fee is for the processing of forms and for __'s time in connecting with her Master Guide and channeling the reply. It can take some time for you to begin to feel the energy working within you depending on what level of consciousness you are at.
Each healing request will be charged on your credit card of 30 dollars. Please use separate healing requests for each individual.
This text is followed by a way to submit an online form and payment for a healing request. I have good news for anyone out in cyberspace who is pondering this online form:
Jesus Christ is the great healer. He paid the ultimate price for you so that you don't have to spend a dime, let alone $30 to ask Him for healing. Reach out to Him in prayer; you need not submit separate prayers for each individual. Not only can he heal wounds, but also a broken heart.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bliss at 34,000 Feet
We recently returned from a one week to Texas, which I will tell you more about later.
When we flew back we made a connection through Denver, which occurred during nap time. In all of our travels over the past year Colin hasn't sleep on the plane, no matter how much the sand man is calling him.
But this time, the call from the sand man was too great. As we took off on our flight from Denver we had quite a bit of turbulence, which rocked the plane back and forth. Kind of like the rocking of the cradle swing which put my lil guy to sleep when he was an infant. This same rocking lulled him to the land of nod for 1 1/2 hours -- yeah!
As he fell asleep I thought, "Great! Now what do I do?" I had already read the in flight magazine on our trip out to Texas and was wishing I had bought a magazine back in the airport. And behold, as I reached my hand into the seat back pocket, but what did my eyes see?
The previous passenger left me with a most pleasant surprise -- the latest edition of People magazine (a guilty pleasure to read when we travel on vacation) was gracefully tucked between the Spirit Magazine and the airplane safety brochure. And the magazine cried out, "Read me!"
I spent the next 1 1/2 hours reading without interruption or without having to entertain a much too energetic toddler who was all to anxious to be home. Indeed, this surprise tucked into my seat back pocket offered a bit of mindless bliss at 34,000 feet.
When we flew back we made a connection through Denver, which occurred during nap time. In all of our travels over the past year Colin hasn't sleep on the plane, no matter how much the sand man is calling him.
But this time, the call from the sand man was too great. As we took off on our flight from Denver we had quite a bit of turbulence, which rocked the plane back and forth. Kind of like the rocking of the cradle swing which put my lil guy to sleep when he was an infant. This same rocking lulled him to the land of nod for 1 1/2 hours -- yeah!
As he fell asleep I thought, "Great! Now what do I do?" I had already read the in flight magazine on our trip out to Texas and was wishing I had bought a magazine back in the airport. And behold, as I reached my hand into the seat back pocket, but what did my eyes see?
The previous passenger left me with a most pleasant surprise -- the latest edition of People magazine (a guilty pleasure to read when we travel on vacation) was gracefully tucked between the Spirit Magazine and the airplane safety brochure. And the magazine cried out, "Read me!"
I spent the next 1 1/2 hours reading without interruption or without having to entertain a much too energetic toddler who was all to anxious to be home. Indeed, this surprise tucked into my seat back pocket offered a bit of mindless bliss at 34,000 feet.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tribute to a Favorite Teacher
I waited for his class for over three years. As an incoming Freshman at Baylor University, a close friend made this recommendation, "Get Dr. O'Brien for New Testament, even if you have to wait to get his class your senior year."
You see, most incoming freshman were taking Old and New Testament their first year. There was a joke going around that another Old and NT prof even gave Jesus a "B," so I made a mental note to wait; just wait.
My patience paid off. By my senior year I was just taking 12 hours each semester and I had the ability to "savor" my favorite classes even more. And by this time I was not as occupied with what cute guy might be sitting 2 rows away and wondering if he might be a candidate for an upcoming sorority dance (remember those days, Amy?) OK, still somewhat occupied, but not obsessed.
Anyhow, I digress.
In taking Dr. O'Brien's class it really opened up the doors to my mind in learning about the Bible from so many views -- spiritually, historically, theologically -- I would just sit in class right before lunch and take it all in. And I still remember all about Rahab because he called her "Red light Rahab." He just had a special way of teaching that painted such clear and incredible mental pictures in my mind, which for me is the best kind of learning.
A few years later when Matt and I were looking for churches in Houston, Dr. O'Brien became the interim pastor of the church we were attending (he travelled there on weekends.) I was so tickled, as I got to enjoy these mental pictures every Sunday he preached for many months on end.
And in 2004 when we joined a home fellowship Bible study, I was searching for a good commentary on the book of Romans, and who did I look to for advice? Dr. O'Brien, of course! At this time he was the chair of the Religion department. And yet, he took the time to email and old student to give a brief bit of encouragement and advice. I kept his email because it always makes me smile because it is so like him. He closed by saying, "And may God bless you 'til it tickles." Since that time I have felt God's blessing 'til it tickles, and that is indeed such an awesome way of wording it.
I reflect upon Dr. O'Brien today, as Baylor just announced that he is moving on from a leadership role at Baylor to take the leadership helm at another Baptist university. And that university is lucky, indeed, to have this remarkable shepherd leading them forward.
Thanks, Dr. O'Brien, for helping be a part of what makes Baylor so special in the hearts and minds of students and alumni like me. And may God continue to bless YOU 'til it tickles.
You see, most incoming freshman were taking Old and New Testament their first year. There was a joke going around that another Old and NT prof even gave Jesus a "B," so I made a mental note to wait; just wait.
My patience paid off. By my senior year I was just taking 12 hours each semester and I had the ability to "savor" my favorite classes even more. And by this time I was not as occupied with what cute guy might be sitting 2 rows away and wondering if he might be a candidate for an upcoming sorority dance (remember those days, Amy?) OK, still somewhat occupied, but not obsessed.
Anyhow, I digress.
In taking Dr. O'Brien's class it really opened up the doors to my mind in learning about the Bible from so many views -- spiritually, historically, theologically -- I would just sit in class right before lunch and take it all in. And I still remember all about Rahab because he called her "Red light Rahab." He just had a special way of teaching that painted such clear and incredible mental pictures in my mind, which for me is the best kind of learning.
A few years later when Matt and I were looking for churches in Houston, Dr. O'Brien became the interim pastor of the church we were attending (he travelled there on weekends.) I was so tickled, as I got to enjoy these mental pictures every Sunday he preached for many months on end.
And in 2004 when we joined a home fellowship Bible study, I was searching for a good commentary on the book of Romans, and who did I look to for advice? Dr. O'Brien, of course! At this time he was the chair of the Religion department. And yet, he took the time to email and old student to give a brief bit of encouragement and advice. I kept his email because it always makes me smile because it is so like him. He closed by saying, "And may God bless you 'til it tickles." Since that time I have felt God's blessing 'til it tickles, and that is indeed such an awesome way of wording it.
I reflect upon Dr. O'Brien today, as Baylor just announced that he is moving on from a leadership role at Baylor to take the leadership helm at another Baptist university. And that university is lucky, indeed, to have this remarkable shepherd leading them forward.
Thanks, Dr. O'Brien, for helping be a part of what makes Baylor so special in the hearts and minds of students and alumni like me. And may God continue to bless YOU 'til it tickles.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Jamming in Berryland

One of our latest favorite books to read is called Jamberry. It's a rhyming tale of a little Tom Sawyer looking boy and a big brown bear as they go on an adventure in Berryland in search of all kinds of berries.
This time of year you don't have to search far to find lots of great deals on berries. Colin enjoyed a new batch of raspberries this morning -- aren't they so much fun to stick on your thumb and plop into your mouth?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
San Diego -- "Terror" on the Patio
Our recap of the trip wouldn't be complete without telling you about the animals that came to visit US at our hotel room. You just thought we saw animals behind cages and in aquariums. Oh, no, no, no my friends.....
....Saturday night as we sat on the patio of our room at the resort, we reclined back in big white Adirondack chairs and quietly sipped margaritas as we recapped the success of the conference and group activities.
as we were sitting there, it was well beyond 10 pm and it was dark -- no light on our patio, just the stars in the sky and a glimmer of the moon. In an instant I caught a glimpse of something black on our patio. And it walked right towards us and then walked within one foot of my happy little Adirondack chair. As I glanced down to the movement I could see the sheen of the skunk's white stripe down it's back and I clenched Matt's hand in fear. I was terrified the skunk was going to come spray us and I would have to take a tomato juice bath for a week!
Fortunately the skunk appeared to not even know we were there. Matt joked that he had just woken up and wouldn't have come that close if he had known we were there, "He hadn't had his Starbucks yet" and was still wandering around like a sleepy little skunk.
Whew! Get a grande latte for that boy and tell him to beat it! And can you believe we saw a skunk at the resort later the next night?
On a much happier note, 2 mallards came to our patio in the afternoon one day and Colin adored his feathered visitors. That was a treat for a kid who loves ducks as much as his dad does.
....Saturday night as we sat on the patio of our room at the resort, we reclined back in big white Adirondack chairs and quietly sipped margaritas as we recapped the success of the conference and group activities.
as we were sitting there, it was well beyond 10 pm and it was dark -- no light on our patio, just the stars in the sky and a glimmer of the moon. In an instant I caught a glimpse of something black on our patio. And it walked right towards us and then walked within one foot of my happy little Adirondack chair. As I glanced down to the movement I could see the sheen of the skunk's white stripe down it's back and I clenched Matt's hand in fear. I was terrified the skunk was going to come spray us and I would have to take a tomato juice bath for a week!
Fortunately the skunk appeared to not even know we were there. Matt joked that he had just woken up and wouldn't have come that close if he had known we were there, "He hadn't had his Starbucks yet" and was still wandering around like a sleepy little skunk.
Whew! Get a grande latte for that boy and tell him to beat it! And can you believe we saw a skunk at the resort later the next night?
On a much happier note, 2 mallards came to our patio in the afternoon one day and Colin adored his feathered visitors. That was a treat for a kid who loves ducks as much as his dad does.
San Diego - Sea World

On Saturday morning Colin and I headed to SeaWorld early so that we could take in the Dolphin show before the ECG picnic started (the picnic was at SeaWorld). I was pleased with how well Colin sat in the stadium to watch the performance -- that says a lot for the dolphins! Fortunately we were a few rows up from the splash zone and managed to avoid getting drenched!
Then we headed over to meet up with all of the other ECG families as we had a picnic to cap the end of the conference activities. Our resort was right next to SeaWorld, so we took a siesta that afternoon and then returned for more action later that afternoon. Yah, us and a quarter of the population of Southern California, or so it seemed! People EVERYWHERE! I don't like crowds like that, and it makes it even harder when you have a toddler in tow!
We did manage to escape to an indoor aquarium that had sharks, and Colin quickly learned to say "shark" over and over. I'm not sure if he liked sharks or liked that he had a word he could say over and over, but it was pretty cute to hear.
We got every last ounce of energy out of Colin in the Sesame Street play area. He bounced around in a bouncy play area filled with big, soft blocks and wore himself completely out. (Yeah!)
We returned to Sea World on Monday morning and took in the arctic exhibit, the penguins, and more sea lions. Then we enjoyed the Shamu show, which is the really big show they are known for. Such beautiful animals!
The penguins were not a hit. It was dark in the exhibit and for some reason in dark exhibits Colin isn't able to focus and runs crazy -- this happens with the nocturnal animal exhibits at the zoo -- we have just learned to avoid these places for now, not to mention it makes it really easy to loose your toddler in a dark exhibit!
Colin enjoyed more bouncing at the Sesame Street "Bay of Play" before we had to bid farewell to San Diego. It was fun while it lasted!
Then we headed over to meet up with all of the other ECG families as we had a picnic to cap the end of the conference activities. Our resort was right next to SeaWorld, so we took a siesta that afternoon and then returned for more action later that afternoon. Yah, us and a quarter of the population of Southern California, or so it seemed! People EVERYWHERE! I don't like crowds like that, and it makes it even harder when you have a toddler in tow!
We did manage to escape to an indoor aquarium that had sharks, and Colin quickly learned to say "shark" over and over. I'm not sure if he liked sharks or liked that he had a word he could say over and over, but it was pretty cute to hear.
We got every last ounce of energy out of Colin in the Sesame Street play area. He bounced around in a bouncy play area filled with big, soft blocks and wore himself completely out. (Yeah!)
We returned to Sea World on Monday morning and took in the arctic exhibit, the penguins, and more sea lions. Then we enjoyed the Shamu show, which is the really big show they are known for. Such beautiful animals!
The penguins were not a hit. It was dark in the exhibit and for some reason in dark exhibits Colin isn't able to focus and runs crazy -- this happens with the nocturnal animal exhibits at the zoo -- we have just learned to avoid these places for now, not to mention it makes it really easy to loose your toddler in a dark exhibit!
Colin enjoyed more bouncing at the Sesame Street "Bay of Play" before we had to bid farewell to San Diego. It was fun while it lasted!
San Diego - Zoo Details

Now that you've had a day to see pictures from our trip to San Diego, I thought I'd share some details of our visit.
First of all, let's be clear -- our son LOVES animals! So in the 5 days we were there we hit Thee Zoo twice and Sea World twice.
Matt was in conference meetings in the mornings on Friday & Saturday, so each morning Colin and I ventured out on our own. On Friday I took him to the San Diego Zoo. I had not been there since 1985, and all I remembered were the koala bears. Holy cow that place is big!
I formulated a plan when we arrived at the zoo to head directly to the back of the zoo to beat the rush to the panda bears. We had heard this was one of only 4 places outside of China to see pandas, so I decided to beat the crowds to go and see these cute and cuddly looking playful creatures. And they didn't disappoint - so much fun to watch!
From there I beat a path up to the polar bears. The path was so steep up the hill that they had warnings posted for those using manual wheel chairs -- it was indeed a steep incline and gave me a good workout pushing Colin's stroller, passing the zebras as we headed to the arctic giants. And ugh, what a "yawner!" They need video posted at the base of this steep hill so you can see if the bears are even awake. One was asleep and the other was being a bit coy as he munched, of all things, a carrot. All that exercise for not much action!
We breezed back down the hill and we had lunch at one of the many zoo eateries. I indulged and got us a souvenir cub with the leopard topper, and Colin discovered that he does indeed like raisins. I have offered them over the past year to no avail. They came in his zoo kids pail and he gobbled them down right along with the ever-so-appropriate animal crackers. And now he can't get enough of raisins!
Weary at this point, I hopped with Colin on the nearest double decker bus and decided to let it take us wherever, knowing it would eventually get us close to the exit. We were lucky -- we got a quick tour of the Safari animals (elephants, giraffe's, etc) and then the bus let us out near the koalas so we could say hello to these sleepy fellows before making our exit so Colin could go be a sleepy afternoon fella, as well.
We returned to the zoo on Sunday with Matt. Matt hadn't been there since 1986, and all he could remember were the koalas, as well. Funny thing, every single koala (8+) was asleep, so they sure won't remember us!
We headed past the monkeys, mandrills (awesome color!) and pygmy hippos en route to the pandas, skipped the sleepy polar bear, and then saw all of the cats. The cats were active, and Colin loved it! We also enjoyed the black Brazilian jaguar named Orson-- he looked just like a panther and walked right up to the edge of the cage right near us.
On around the corner a little Bornean sun bear was super active, and Colin couldn't get enough of watching him:
"Bornean sun bears, the smallest bears in the world, are one of the most enjoyable animals to observe, especially in the natural setting of Sun Bear Forest. Here, the sun bears, named for the golden crescents on their chests, display their frolicsome nature. Extremely agile and often comical, sun bears are great tree climbers and make excellent use of their enclosure's climbing structures." (Zoo website)
As we put Colin to sleep that night he jabbered for over 1 1/2 hours in bed and we could hear him giggle and then roar and say something about the bear. His little mind was filled with all of the wonder that the zoo hopes to provide.
Our last encounter at the zoo was with the reptiles -- a big komodo dragon, and lots of snakes, including a huge anaconda (yowsers!) Colin hissed at all of the snakes on display as he made a quick tour of the reptile house.
Our trip to the zoo was finally complete with a visit to the zoo shop where we got him 3 books -- one is a Little People lift-the-flap book titled, "Let's Go to the Zoo!" And indeed we did.
First of all, let's be clear -- our son LOVES animals! So in the 5 days we were there we hit Thee Zoo twice and Sea World twice.
Matt was in conference meetings in the mornings on Friday & Saturday, so each morning Colin and I ventured out on our own. On Friday I took him to the San Diego Zoo. I had not been there since 1985, and all I remembered were the koala bears. Holy cow that place is big!
I formulated a plan when we arrived at the zoo to head directly to the back of the zoo to beat the rush to the panda bears. We had heard this was one of only 4 places outside of China to see pandas, so I decided to beat the crowds to go and see these cute and cuddly looking playful creatures. And they didn't disappoint - so much fun to watch!
From there I beat a path up to the polar bears. The path was so steep up the hill that they had warnings posted for those using manual wheel chairs -- it was indeed a steep incline and gave me a good workout pushing Colin's stroller, passing the zebras as we headed to the arctic giants. And ugh, what a "yawner!" They need video posted at the base of this steep hill so you can see if the bears are even awake. One was asleep and the other was being a bit coy as he munched, of all things, a carrot. All that exercise for not much action!
We breezed back down the hill and we had lunch at one of the many zoo eateries. I indulged and got us a souvenir cub with the leopard topper, and Colin discovered that he does indeed like raisins. I have offered them over the past year to no avail. They came in his zoo kids pail and he gobbled them down right along with the ever-so-appropriate animal crackers. And now he can't get enough of raisins!
Weary at this point, I hopped with Colin on the nearest double decker bus and decided to let it take us wherever, knowing it would eventually get us close to the exit. We were lucky -- we got a quick tour of the Safari animals (elephants, giraffe's, etc) and then the bus let us out near the koalas so we could say hello to these sleepy fellows before making our exit so Colin could go be a sleepy afternoon fella, as well.
We returned to the zoo on Sunday with Matt. Matt hadn't been there since 1986, and all he could remember were the koalas, as well. Funny thing, every single koala (8+) was asleep, so they sure won't remember us!
We headed past the monkeys, mandrills (awesome color!) and pygmy hippos en route to the pandas, skipped the sleepy polar bear, and then saw all of the cats. The cats were active, and Colin loved it! We also enjoyed the black Brazilian jaguar named Orson-- he looked just like a panther and walked right up to the edge of the cage right near us.
On around the corner a little Bornean sun bear was super active, and Colin couldn't get enough of watching him:
"Bornean sun bears, the smallest bears in the world, are one of the most enjoyable animals to observe, especially in the natural setting of Sun Bear Forest. Here, the sun bears, named for the golden crescents on their chests, display their frolicsome nature. Extremely agile and often comical, sun bears are great tree climbers and make excellent use of their enclosure's climbing structures." (Zoo website)
As we put Colin to sleep that night he jabbered for over 1 1/2 hours in bed and we could hear him giggle and then roar and say something about the bear. His little mind was filled with all of the wonder that the zoo hopes to provide.
Our last encounter at the zoo was with the reptiles -- a big komodo dragon, and lots of snakes, including a huge anaconda (yowsers!) Colin hissed at all of the snakes on display as he made a quick tour of the reptile house.
Our trip to the zoo was finally complete with a visit to the zoo shop where we got him 3 books -- one is a Little People lift-the-flap book titled, "Let's Go to the Zoo!" And indeed we did.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Flower Surprise

We just returned from a 5 day trip down to San Diego for Matt's Company's Annual Company Conference. Awesome trip! More about the trip in a separate post....but FIRST......I had a gorgeous bouquet of flowers on my front porch late this morning waiting for me as I arrived back from an activity with Colin.
I suspected that they wouldn't be from Matt, as he crawled on an airplane at 8:40 am headed to Hawaii and he is rarely a bearer of flowers...not even as a ploy to get out of the proverbial "dog house."
Much to my surprise, this gorgeous mix of flowers had a card that read:
"Sarah, Congratulations on Matt's Fifth Anniversary! From, Your Friends at ECG."
How cool is that? Matt gets a nice pen set to celebrate his 5 year anniversary, and I get a great bouquet of flowers. It's nice that they recognize the spouse as a part of the mix. A very thoughtful touch, indeed!
And I am sitting here, stopping to smell my roses, and the scent is just wonderful! Thanks ECG!
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