Colin recently turned 1 1/2, so I thought I would update you on what life is like with our lil guy at 18 months!
- He is really enjoying his Mega Bloks. Last night he started playing with them while I cooked dinner. When Matt came home over 45 minutes later, he didn't want to stop playing "just" to eat dinner. I love that his favorite toy doesn't require batteries and is super quiet! It's fun to watch him build various towers, etc. His dad's childhood favorite was legos, so Colin's the proverbial chip off the ole "blok" (OK -- so I couldn't resist the pun!)
- Signing "please" and "thank you" are some of his favorites, and he sometimes uses both hands on his chest to sign "
please" (or "double please" as we call it when he really wants something.) Signing has come in handy for us to communicate. I am hoping these are some of his 2 favorites to
verbalize when we round that corner.
- He enjoys playing at the water table at the Children's Museum - we got a family membership and go a few times a week. He enjoys manipulating the various water levers to make adjustments to the water levels, etc. It's fun to see how he gets the cause and effect of it all. And he always goes home VERY wet!
- He is taking a few classes through the local parks and recreation department. We are fortunate to have a fantastic city program. He is enjoying swim lessons (with dad) on Saturdays and is taking a Baby Beethoven (music) class, as well. Each week has a theme, and this past week we sang turkey songs. I will be curious as December comes if we will sing generic songs like 'Frosty the Snowman' and 'Jingle Bells,' or if we will sing a diverse array of songs from different faiths. I'll have to keep you posted on that one!
- Saturday nights are lots of fun for Colin - he just loves being with other kids at Saturday night church. This past weekend as we walked down the hall to leave, a few older boys ran past him. He grinned from ear to ear and tried to run and catch up with them. And then of course he cried when we left all of the fun to go home for the night.
- As much fun as he has at church, it's so much fun to go and pick him up from his class. He sees us and runs with his arms bent close to his chest (that cute 18 month old run) and just reaches up to issue a great big hug. I was even more surprised after MOPS this past week that he even accompanied that big hug with a great big kiss planted right on the smacker. "Ahhh, it's great to see you, too!"
- And did I mention his favorite show? He absolutely adores Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber. We even listen to Veggie Tales silly songs in the car, though I may have listened to Larry sing "
I love my Lips" one time too many!
- We are fortunate to have a good eater who seems to enjoy most all of the foods we eat, as well. We are very thankful, and hope this continues. He loves the QDoba chicken, as well as their Mexican gumbo, (who doesn't, right?) He's now oficially 3 feet tall, so I contribute some of that to his openness to eating and trying new foods.

- Last but not least, his favorite little buddy is our family cat. He gently offers hugs to the cat (he bows his head and rubs it near the cat -- and the cat fully tolerates it.)