I am excited about this new Bible Study I am doing through the women's ministry program at my church. The study, called "Believing God," has a portion of each day's study dedicated to something called a GodStop; with STOP standing for "Savor the Observable Presence." This a journel time where I consider how God is moving in ways in my life where I can note that occurrences are more than just "coincidence" or a "random chance happening." In noting this, I can Savor The Observable Presence of God.
And then yesterday I received a card from a friend and the card was made by "Savoring Grace Greetings. On the back of the card, it gives a definition for Savor:
Savor: To recognize the value of. To undergo an emotional reaction. To have a particular flavor or suggestion. To receive pleasure from.
I have had some incredible GodSTOPS this past week, and I am definitely receiving pleasure from and am recognizing the value of this observable presence of God. A chance encounter with a college sorority sister. A chance meeting with another mom with some great thrift store tips. A chance meeting with a stranger in need. Not chance at all.
1 comment:
Sounds like a great study. Thanks for the reminder to look for and give recognition to God in the small things too. He certainly deserves more praise than I can possibly offer in my lifetime! :)
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