Today was a gorgeous, sunny day that we enjoyed right in our own neighborhood. Each year the neighborhood community association hosts a picnic to come meet your neighbors, nibble on a hot dog, play with the bubbles and other kids toys, and meet the local police and fire department. Colin enjoyed checking out the fire truck and even got his very own fire chief hat. Pretty cool!
We then headed over to Bellevue Waterfront Day at the Bay, a celebration on the waterfront where the city also shared more about plans to expand the public waterfront based upon some recent acquisitions. Colin enjoyed dipping his toes in the lake and playing with some of the big kid's activities.
We capped off the day by going to our first ever Saturday night church service. Colin did really well (he's an early-to-bed sort of guy), and now we can sleep in tomorrow and read the Sunday paper. It was so easy getting out the door for evening service -- because, afterall, we've been dressed and ready for the day for well over 10 hours.
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