Thursday, September 2, 2010

Star Wars Holy Grail

Colin discovered Darth Vader and Storm Troopers at a recent parade where several of the characters marched in the procession. He was delighted to hear of Daddy's stash of related toys and begged PaPa to get them out of the garage. I had heard of this stash for over a dozen years, and now I got to meet his childhood love!

This later turned into the need for a Skype call with Daddy to identify all of the spaceships and characters, and Colin was then hard pressed to the leave the house because he had located the Star Wars Holy Grail of toys. Ebay folks would pay big bucks for these originals in great condition, but our 4 year old just played gleefully with them and began asking lots of questions about when his Daddy was growing up (thinking, "hey, my Dad really WAS cool!")

Colin is showing off Dad's speeder bike, which is just like the one he bought a friend for a birthday party. That manufacturer in China has gotten a lot of mileage out of that mold!

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