Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

This morning Colin woke up to his Easter basket of goodies, as well as some eggs hidden around the house, a few of which were filled with mini-cars. Why go for candy when you can have a mini-tractor in a plastic egg? He DID, however, really enjoy the chocolate bunny, which is currently sans ears from all of his munching (the boy loves his chocolate like a true Sturm.)

We celebrated Easter by going to the 9:30 a.m. service. With no childcare for kids Colin's age on up, we took him to church with us and he lasted for the first 45 minutes -- pretty good! He was happy to come to "big church," especially since it meant he got a scone right before church (a tradition in our Crossroads Cafe each Easter.)

After church we made a trip to Starbucks, where Colin enjoyed his milk using the new bunny straw he got in his Easter basket. And the whole morning, he clung tightly to his new Dinoco helicopter which was also a treat from the Easter Bunny.
It rained all day, but Matt braved the elements to mesquite BBQ our turkey and we had a yummy turkey dinner complete with the fixin's. We have enough turkey to feed a small army, so guess what we'll be having all week?

And after dinner Colin decided he wanted to hunt eggs outside, even if it meant being in the rain. So Matt hid eggs in the rain and Colin had a blast hunting them down. He even wanted to do it again! It was a true PNW egg hunt! I don't EVER recall braving rain in West Texas to have an egg hunt. A sunburn, perhaps, but never the rain!

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