We joined Matt at work that Friday and then walked down to Pike Place Market, which is always an interesting sensory experience with the flying fish. Colin gawked at all of the huge fish on ice, and one of the fish mongers was a bit of a comedian with Colin: he put the fish on the ground and pretended to do chest compressions as though he was doing CPR to revive the fish....silly, but interactive and cheap entertainment nonetheless.

We later had a traditional seafood dinner down at Ivar's on the waterfront. We sat next to a window where we could watch the ferries come in and out, and we were parked next to one of the fire department's fire boats, which Colin coined a pirate ship. Arghhhh! Too bad he didn't have on the cool pirate hat his grandma brought out for him.
The following day we made a visit to the Flight Museum, which was Colin's first visit there. The last time I was there was for a company event, so I didn't realize how many interactive exhibits there are for kids his age. He sat in a small airplane and had fun running through the space capsule. After lunch at the cafe we headed over to tour the Concord and Air Force One, which was retired in 1972. Gotta love the early 70's design that has been captured forever in this plane.

Colin and Dad aboard a retired Air Force One

The following day we headed over to the Aquarium, where Colin loves the wall of water right as you enter. It has so many great fish and is fun to observe. And this time he enjoyed watching (not touching, just watching) the starfish. He's a recent Nemo fan, so he called them "Pete the starfish" (Pete is from the fishtank in the movie.) The aquarium even has a special tank filled with 2 clown fish (Marlin and Nemo) and a Dory fish...kids just eat that up and now we know why! And thanks to one of his favorite books, he successfully named a stonefish, leaf fish, lion fish, and sea horses. Can you name those, too?

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