Colin goes to preschool at a local church 2 mornings a week, and he talks lots about his friend Reggie, and has even named a few of his Little People after Reggie. Each night we ask him to tell us the things he wants to thank God for when we pray; Reggie usually makes the list. Very sweet. He also tells us "no hit" when we ask him about school, so you can imagine he has heard those words often at school....it's a class of 6 boys and 2 girls, so go figure, right?!
Colin still likes to spend time telling us about certain Veggie Tales stories, though we limit him to his Veggies coloring book (which has an abbreviated version of about a dozen stories) and some audio stories...the TV stories were becoming to much of a problem; he would sit and watch them all day if given a choice, so last week the Veggies videos made a disappearing act.
His favorite toys are his Pirate ship (loves pirates) and anything from the Cars movie, including Flo's Cafe and his Mac truck. We usually leave the house with a few cars tucked into his hands, and I am often amazed we have not yet lost McQueen or Doc, as they often make their way with him into a store when we run errands. He has also been known to stick a few cars into my purse as though I am his personal pack mule.
He still hates the camera, although he somehow learned to say "cheese" when I get out the camera (though he says it while looking away.) It's impossible to get him to "pose" for a picture, thus no cute family pictures of us together on the beach from our recent vacation. He squeals when you try to hold him for even 10 seconds and usually sticks out his hand in protest...here's a typical Colin photography moment:

And then there's the lovable side of Colin that makes my heart smile. When he hears me laugh it makes him so happy he has to give me a kiss and then a hug. I suppose he needs to hear me laugh more often so it doesn't seem like such a special occasion. He is tuning in more to the emotions of others, and his teacher tells us he is indeed a more sensitive child.

Colin LOVES to take a bath both before nap and before bed. I know, we're not exactly on the low water usage blue ribbon list, but he's such a fish. And he prefers the "big bath" (our master bath) over his own...hmmm, maybe because I have a TV and he is hopeful he could have a bath AND watch a show....not likely!
He takes after Matt in that he loves chocolate. Guess what the flavor of his cake and ice cream will be at his birthday this year? Yep, he is indeed a Sturm, no worries there, Grandpa! He also loves slightly defrosted frozen cherries and watermelon. The kid lived on watermelon and cantaloupe when we were in Mexico, so he should be fine for a few months until they are back in season.
At night, he likes to talk about the moon and the stars on his ceiling (the glow in the dark stickers) but he was so thrilled to actually see the real thing when we were in Mexico. We sat on the pool deck and watched stars each night so he could count them, "six, nine; six, nine" (Colin's current counting method.)
His current book favorites include anything with Pirates, as well as SkippyJohn Jones, Mister Seahorse, and Llama Llama Mad at Mama. We often remind him of the Llama Llama book when we are out shopping, though the little llama gets a treat at the end, so reminding him of the book then reminds him of a post-shopping treat. Not always practical, but it's a good book for my little anti-shopper.
1 comment:
the part about telling you "no hit" when you ask him about school cracks me up. So cute!
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