Friday, September 26, 2008

Dodge Ball

I had some flash backs to fourth grade today:

It's PE period and it's Friday. We did crab soccer last week, so we all know what today is: Dodge Ball day! I cringe as we select teams -- Please don't put me opposite of Rhonda or Johanna! They pack a killer punch and always win!

So why did I have this flash back? My dear hubby is playing dodge ball at a work function right now. And I wonder if he's getting pegged by the Rhonda of the workplace, or if he's the Johanna that's doing the pummeling. Hmmmmm; I've never played dodgeball with my own husband.

Their "elementary" workplace fun (a competition between rival divisions) will end with appetizers and wine. Somehow it was never that good when I was in 4th grade.

Just plant your feet and catch the ball, honey!

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