Friday, June 13, 2008

What Month Is This?

When we were in Hawaii in early May, we met so many people who were "winter weary" and were needing an escape from an especially cold winter.

And it's now almost mid-June, and I DESPERATELY need an escape before I freeze again! I think we skipped summer and it's fall again.

Today at Colin's first Lil Kickers Soccer class, all the parents were saying absurd things like, "Yah, isn't this weather getting better? It's actually in the high 50's and there isn't any rain today."

High 50's? Yep, for those of you baking in the 100 degree weather in the south, wearing shorts and getting a nice summer tan, we are still sporting jeans and jackets at the park and Colin's new summer shorts are making a nice home in his dresser drawers. If we're lucky, he'll wear his new shorts when we are in San Diego later this month.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this -- we have been colder this week than SIBERIA! Check out this article from our local paper: Colder Than Siberia . And snow plows were out earlier this week on mountain passes. Umhhhhh, and 4th of July is just a few weeks away! Craziness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you are in the Texas Panhandle for your visit in mid-July, I hope you will remember how much you wanted one of those 90 or 100 degree days!
Your mother