My bones have finally thawed. I think. Ahhhhhhhh. Sure does feel good.
Warm breezes flowing over my skin? Check. Waves crashing on the shore, lulling me into a state of relaxation? Check. Toddler chasing chickens around the beach and pool? Check.
Wait? Chickens? Yep. I just spent several days in paradise with a bunch of chickens, like the kind we....., ya know, uh...eat! And it couldn't have made for better toddler entertainment.
Apparently in previous years during hurricanes, chickens got loose following distruction to their chicken cages, so they now run free. Everywhere!
So here we were, in the keiko swimming pool (kiddie pool) hanging out with Colin when he would spot one, or a mother with her little chicks, and he would go bounding out of the pool to chase them. Over, and over, and over.
He was pure entertainment for many other people to watch, and he gladly defended us all from having chickens underfoot. and one rooster in particular, who was determined to show Colin that he "ruled the roost," was chased so many times that he must have been one buff rooster by the end of the week. In the end, it was Colin who ruled that roost!
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