Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Everyone Needs Compassion

Here in a few weeks there is an event in my community called, “Compassion in Action.” The event description reads as follows: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other luminaries celebrate compassion in action. During the event, programs and organizations will have booths to show how you can learn more about compassion, and how you can bring your passion and energy to your community.

I was invited to attend this event by a parenting organization with whom I volunteer. They are hosting a booth and have some reserved tickets.

I declined to attend, partly because I have family in town that weekend, but also because I KNOW the guide to having compassion in action. It’s called the Holy Bible, and it is the guide for all we need to know for living a life of compassion, as show fully through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I think it’s awesome that our community wants to teach young people about sowing seeds of compassion, but I would want to hear this message from someone who has a relationship with Christ. I, with all of my human weakness, am a huge sinner and often fail in showing compassion to others. But it is in and through Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, that I am able to love others and show compassion.

This worship song by Hillsong comes to mind when thinking of compassion, and I wanted to share it with you – our church began singing it regularly this past year. Yes, we all need compassion -- we all need the compassion found in the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


Everyone needs compassion

A love that's never failing

Let mercy fall on me

Everyone needs forgiveness

A kindness of a Savior

The hope of nations


He can move the mountains

My God is Mighty to save

He is Mighty to save


Author of salvation

He rose and conquered the grave

Jesus conquered the grave

So take me as

You find me

All my fears and failures

Fill my life again

I give my life to follow

Everything I believe in

Now I surrender

Shine your light and let the whole world see

We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus

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