Monday, February 18, 2008

Grocery Shopping: Dream Come True

When we were living in Houston during the dot com boom, I recall seeing all of the online grocery shopping vans delivering groceries throughout the area and thought that seemed like such an odd luxury -- why not just go to the store yourself?

Fast forward seven years. Imagine strapping a screaming monkey in your shopping cart and trying to make sane food purchasing decisions. And woe to you if you forgot something on the other side of the store, as every other poor soul within a 50 foot radius would hear the screams and wonder what zoo this screaming animal escaped from. Oh yah. That monkey happens to be my 21 month old offspring.

OK, so grocery shopping isn't the most fun thing for me either. In fact, I despise it. I was lamenting the horror of shopping with him in tow when a mom reminded me of something so simple -- why not use Amazon Fresh?

Silly me! I have now found my new way to grocery shop! I sat on the couch last night with the laptop and placed my grocery store order while sipping a glass of wine and watching a movie. Then I handed Matt the computer to select his frozen lunches. And with the press of a button, I was done.

My groceries arrived before dawn on my doorstop while I slept. And when I woke at 6:45 am I was so excited to open the front door to find 4 large plastic containers, some with refrigerated packaging, sitting on my doorstep waiting to come inside. How cool is that? Free delivery, AND they threw in a bonus produce sampler to boot!

No screaming child. No spending time and gas driving to the store. I wish I could tell "that women" seven years ago that the "luxury" of grocery delivery would be a key to surviving the toddler years. Do you think she would have listened?

1 comment:

lindley said...

That is awesome!!! I remember trying grocery delivery when we lived in Dallas---it was fun! Back then I though, poor me--little working teacher, who is exhausted after work and doesn't feel like shopping!!! What a different life now! Wish Memphis had online ordering--especially thinking about taking 2 kiddos out to the store!!