I have a funny and precious story to tell you that speaks to how much God must just love to hear the prayers of small children.
Last night I watched our friends' girls for the evening. As the three year old prepared for bed, I brushed her beautiful blond hair and told her that her hair was pretty. And she suggested we thank God for her hair when we prayed before going to bed.
Fifteen minutes later, and after reading the princess story (we don't have those in my house, so it was kind of fun), we said our prayers. And I forgot the hair (oh my!)
After saying, "Amen," she squealed, "You forgot to tell God!" And I wondered, well, I prayed to Jesus, did this mean the same thing to her, maybe I should have kept it simple and said, "God." I was overthinking this, by the way -- she's three!
Meanwhile, I know God is getting abig chuckle out of this, as I finally realize, "I forgot to tell God... thanks for her beautiful blond hair!"
Back-tracking a bit, I recommended we say a special prayer JUST for her hair. That was a splendid idea, as shown by the huge grin on her face.
And after that, she said a special prayer that said, "And thanks for Costco and our food."
How tender to hear a child thank God for what he had given her. I have so much to look forward to with Colin.
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