Monday, August 6, 2007

Berries Out the Wazoo

Remember the superbowl commercial during the height of the dotcom boom where the guy had a medical condition the doctor diagnosed as money out the wazoo? Well, we have BERRIES out the wazoo! On Saturday we journeyed down the street to the row of blackberry bushes and loaded up on yummy blackberries (~3 lbs). This is generally a dangerous activity, as these crazy, weed growing shrubs have the prickliest thorns that will get you when you tug on their fruit. The best ones will literally just fall right into your hand.

These grow like crazy around here -- Matt even cut them out of our backyard last year and they returned -- very resilient! They're everywhere, so I can hardly imagine paying for them at the store!

Then on Sunday we went Blueberry picking, again at the farm located just a mile from our house. Colin LOVES blueberries and was rather proficient at picking them and eating them right away...he ate so many he wasn't too hungry for dinner! He did manage to pick a few and toss them in our bucket, which yielded 3 lbs.

Colin also learned if you grab the bush and shake, the ripest berries will fall down, making it easier to pick up from the ground. And thus so clearly illustrating the business jargon of "shaking the bushes"....Anywhooo, yes, we have berries out the wazoo!

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