Friday, May 11, 2007

The Amazing Icecream Sundae

French toast and a rubber ducky -- what could be better?

Wow - it's SOO big! Do I eat it?

Water painting is alright, but can I rip the paper Miss Kathy?
Colin has had a good birthday week! We have had a few days of temps in the mid seventies, which has made for fun play out in the yard. On Wednesday, his actual birthday, we took him out to dinner at Red Robin and they sang him the happy birthday song. He loved the attention and was so amazed by the large ice cream dessert they placed in front of him (the picture speaks for itself.)

On Thursday we went to our class at Bellevue Community College, where he had fun experimenting with a paint brush dipped in water...he was much more interested in ripping the paper canvas than he was in painting with the water-dipped brush. Tearing paper is one of his favorite past times when Mommy isn't watching.

Today we are capping off the week with a visit with our PEPS Mother/Baby group to the Cougar Mountain Zoo in Issaquah to see reindeer, cougars, and other wild know, we take our wild animals to see the other wild animals : )

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